Wolf Creek‘s director Greg Mclean is embarking on a new project with Gestalt Publishing which is offering a unique ‘buy in’ opportunity to help raise funds to get the project up and running.
The crowdfunding is not for film production but for a graphic novel about a swashbuckling Victorian-era adventurer called Sebastian Hawks – and Mclean and his co-creators writer Tristan Jones and artist Chris Di Bari are aiming to raise a modest $35,000 to fund initial creative costs and assist with covering the initial print run of 3,500 copies of the graphic novel.
“In a sense it’s like a pre-order,” Mclean said.
Investments start at $5, which gives the investor a digital teaser of the swashbuckling, monster-packed adventure; $15 investments get a digital copy of the book, $30 will see a ‘return’ of a finished hard copy of Sebastian Hawks – Creature Hunter.
Crowdfunding is usually something the small film-makers do to generate the funds needed to make their ‘dream film’ a reality, but as this project is a graphic novel rather than a film, Mclean can offer unique returns for funds invested by the public.
For those people wanting a little more involvement, $450 can see them drawn into the book as a background character of the early 1900s story, where Sebastian Hawks, an English lord and legendary explorer, has been tasked by royalty and is being kept in check by M15.
From there, an investment of $550 will get you one of two directing masterclasses with Mclean, $1000 buys a dinner date with Mclean, writer Tristan Jones, and Gestalt‘s Editor-in-Chief Wolfgang Bylsma, and $2,500 gives investors an invitation onto the set of Wolf Creek 2 early next year, with return flights included.
Mclean described the process as a way “people can talk to millions of people directly, and say, ‘We will make this, and send it to you if you like the look of it.’ It’s quite amazing.”
Editor-in-Chief of Gestalt Publishing Wolfgang Bylsma, said the new project would see Gestalt provide editorial and production management for Mclean’s publishing venture, DiezelPunk.
“Gestalt is very happy to be working with others of like-minded attitude concerning quality storytelling. We’re excited by this opportunity to consolidate efforts and help to further develop a sustainable comics industry within Australia,” said Bylsma.
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