
The Deep: The Vanishing Island - Cover ArtThe Deep Vol. 2: The Vanishing Island by Tom Taylor and James Brouwer has been announced among this year’s finalists for the Aurealis Award category ‘BEST ILLUSTRATED BOOK OR GRAPHIC NOVEL’.

President of Conflux Inc. (2013 Aurealis Awards organisers), Nicole Murphy, congratulated all the finalists via the media today:

“To be judged as producing one of the stand out works of 2013 is something that all finalists can be immensely proud of,” she said.

“Their works will now be known as among the best produced by an Australian and that’s a remarkable thing to have achieved.”

Judging coordinator Tehani Wessely said that entry records were smashed again this year, with over 800 entries across the twelve categories.

“Once again, the judges agreed that entries were of a very high standard and the final decisions were subject to much debate among the panellists. Such huge numbers of entries make the deliberations exciting and challenging, because there is so much fantastic work being produced in Australia.”

Winners of the 2013 Aurealis Awards and the Peter McNamara Convenors’ Award for Excellence will be announced at the Aurealis Awards ceremony, on the evening of Saturday 5 April 2014 at the Australian National University in Canberra.

‘Best Illustrated Book or Graphic Novel’ Finalists – 2013 Aurealis Awards

Savage Bitch by Steve Carter and Antoinette Rydyr (Scar Studios)

Mr Unpronounceable Adventures by Tim Molloy (Milk Shadow Books)

Burger Force by Jackie Ryan (self published)

Peaceful Tomorrows Volume Two by Shane W Smith (Zetabella Publishing)

The Deep Vol. 2: The Vanishing Island by Tom Taylor and James Brouwer (Gestalt Publishing)


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