Sebastian Hawks: For Monster & Country #3
With two dangerous ‘beings’ permanently removed from the map, and one long-standing friendship destroyed, Hawks must track down the next creature with only Agent of the Crown, Aideen, to assist.
Little do they know the hell that awaits them in the Hollow of Horrors…
From an original concept by Greg McLean
Written by Andrew Constant
Illustrated by Christian DiBari
Coloured by Mike Spicer
Lettered by Wolfgang Bylsma
Categories: Adventure, Digital, Fantasy, Historical, Supernatural
Tags: Andrew Constant, Christian DiBari, Creature Hunter, DiezelPunk, digital, Greg Mclean, Mike Spicer, Sebastian Hawks, Wolfgang Bylsma
Brand: Diezelpunk
The publishing imprint of Greg Mclean, writer/director of the Wolf Creek movies.
The publishing imprint of Greg Mclean, writer/director of the Wolf Creek movies.